Evolution of gender

Biology, Physics, Chemistry. 23/09/10

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This episode is with Frans De Waal. He is a professor in Emory University's psychology department and the Director of the Living Links Center at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center. He is the author of several popular books like 'Chimpanzee politics', The age of empathy' and 'The bonobo and the atheist'. His latest book is 'Different: gender through the eyes of a primatologist'.

In this conversation we talk about evolution of sex and gender in humans, primates, and mammals.

About the guest

  • 00:10:58 Difference between sex and gender

  • 00:16:48 Do sapiens have male dominated societies?

  • 00:20:20 Power struggles in the societies

  • 00:31:15 Friendship, cooperation and peacemaking

  • 00:45:23 Maternal instincts and xenophobia

  • 00:52:37 How far nurture can change nature?
