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Chemistry of life and death

This episode is with Nick Lane. Nick is a professor of Evolutionary Biochemistry at University College London. He is an author of several books like Power, Sex, Suicide; Life ascending and the Vital question. His latest book is Transformer: The Deep Chemistry of Life and Death.Here we talk about What is life?, Life as an information, importance of Krebs cycle, How did the life start?, consciousness, chronic diseases like cancer and process of ageing.

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Building life in the lab

This episode is with Kate Adamala. She is an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota. Kate is a renowned synthetic biologist and biochemist who has made significant contributions to the field of artificial life. Her research focuses on building synthetic cells, designing artificial genetic circuits, and exploring the origins of life on Earth. In this discussion, we will cover topics related to the first artificial life created in the lab, the creation of synthetic cells, various techniques for constructing artificial life, the origins of life, and the significant applications of synthetic cells.

Biology. Chemistry. 2023/06/23

This episode is with Michael Russell. In this conversation we talk about topics related to origin of life, alien life, hydrothermal vents, artificial life, and are there new life forms emerging now?

Biology. Physics. Chemistry. 2023/03/11

This episode is with William (Bill) Martin. Here we talk about the question of origin of life, importance of metabolism, prebiotic chemistry at hydrothermal vents, emergence of information, compartmentalization, and early evolution of cells.

Biology. Chemistry. 2022/03/26

This is a conversation with Addy Pross. In this conversation we talk about what is life?, Bridging Chemistry and Biology to understand origin of life, creating artificial life, and life elsewhere in the universe.

Biology. Chemistry. Philosophy. 2022/03/11

This is a conversation with Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy. In this conversation we talk about major hypothesis proposed for origin of life, what is life, hype created by media, what origins of life research is lacking, and Ram's views on faith and science.

Biology. Chemistry. 2022/01/09

This is a conversation with Prof. Steven Benner. In this conversation we talk about Steve's views on scientific method, what is life, properties of life, synthetic evolution, alien life and future of origins of life research.

Biology. Physics. Chemistry. 2023/06/11

This episode is with Lee Cronin. In this conversation we talk about topics related to origin of life, framework to build life from inorganic material, assembly theory, Darwinian evolution, and alien life.

Biology. Physics. Chemistry. 2023/06/07

This episode is with Michael Levin and Nick Lane. In this conversation, we talk about major transitions and key innovations in biology, information in biological systems, bioelectricity, emergence of eukaryotes and importance of bioelectric signals to create artificial life.

This episode is with Kate Adamala. In this discussion, we will cover topics related to the first artificial life created in the lab, the creation of synthetic cells, various techniques for constructing artificial life, the origins of life, and the significant applications of synthetic cells.    

Biology. Chemistry. 2022/09/24

This episode is with Nick Lane. Here we talk about What is life?, Life as an information, importance of Krebs cycle, How did the life start?, consciousness, chronic diseases like cancer and process of ageing.

Biology. Chemistry. 2022/03/06

This is a conversation with Aaron Engelhart. His research mainly focuses on understanding nucleic acid folding and function. In this conversation we talk about life on Mars, astrobiology, RNA world and tools we are using to find life on Mars.

Biology. Chemistry. Engineering. 2023/04/21

In this stream, we talk about our understanding of the Martian environment, and explore the potential for life to exist on this neighboring planet. We also discuss why NASA would not be able to find life on Mars? How a new project 'ALFA Mars' will contribute in this endeavor?