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Powering the complexity of life
This episode is with Michael Levin and Nick Lane. Mike is a Professor in the Biology department at Tufts University. He studies the role of bioelectric signals in regulating development and regeneration in animals. Nick is a professor of Evolutionary Biochemistry at University College London. His work is focused on the fundamental processes that underlie the origin and evolution of life. In this conversation, we talk about major transitions and key innovations in biology, information in biological systems, bioelectricity, emergence of eukaryotes and importance of bioelectric signals to create artificial life.
Previous episodes
Evolution of multicellularity
This episode is with William Ratcliff. He is an Associate Professor at the School of Biological Science at Georgia Tech. Will studies the physics that constrains multicellular structures and examines the minute changes in certain yeast cells that allows them to become multicellular. Here we talk about origin of life, emergence of complexity, eukaryogenesis, how cells become multicellular? and major questions regarding how multicellularity evolves.
This episode is with Steven Austad. In this conversation we talk about what is ageing?, biggest challenges in the field of ageing, evolutionary aspects of ageing, chronic illnesses and how to increase human life span?
This episode is with Michael Russell. In this conversation we talk about topics related to origin of life, alien life, hydrothermal vents, artificial life, and are there new life forms emerging now?
Biology. 2023/05/15
This episode is with Denis Noble. In this conversation we talk about evolution, including Neo-Darwinism, the role of DNA as information, the use of genes as templates for evolution, the emerging field of epigenetics, and potential future directions for evolutionary research.
Biology. 2023/04/18
This episode is with Chris Stringer. In this discussion, we will delve into the topics of evolution of sapiens, the development of modern humans, the reasons for our unique existence, and making projections about the future of human evolution.
This episode is with William (Bill) Martin. Here we talk about the question of origin of life, importance of metabolism, prebiotic chemistry at hydrothermal vents, emergence of information, compartmentalization, and early evolution of cells.
Biology. Psychology. 2022/10/01
This episode is with Nick Enfield. In this conversation we talk about evolution of language and How well it can describe reality?, Can language nudge our thoughts?, Maths as a language, evolution of rationality.
Biology. Philosophy. 2022/09/10
This is second episode with Donald Hoffman. Here we talk about what is mathematics?, Interface theory of perception, fundamental nature of consciousness, origin of life, spiritual experiences and meaning of death.
Biology. 2022/08/21
This is the second episode Frans De Waal. He is the author of several popular books like 'Chimpanzee politics', The age of empathy' and 'The bonobo and the atheist'. In this conversation we talk about evolution of sex and gender in humans, primates, and mammals.
Biology. Psychology. 2022/06/04
This episode is with Hakwan Lau, author of In Consciousness we Trust. Here we talk about current theories of consciousness, neural correlates, methods to study consciousness, and Perceptual reality monitoring theory.
Biology. Psychology. 2022/04/22
This is a conversation with Matthew Cobb. Here we talk about contribution of philosophy and psychology in understanding brain, modeling of a brain, importance of connectomes, understanding consciousness and future of neuroscience.
This is a conversation with Addy Pross. In this conversation we talk about what is life?, Bridging Chemistry and Biology to understand origin of life, creating artificial life, and life elsewhere in the universe.
Biology. Chemistry. Philosophy. 2022/03/11
This is a conversation with Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy. In this conversation we talk about major hypothesis proposed for origin of life, what is life, hype created by media, what origins of life research is lacking, and Ram's views on faith and science.
This is a conversation with Dr. Anna Lembke. In this conversation we talk about what is addiction, how to detect addiction, role of dopamine in addiction, pleasure-pain balance, tools to avoid and conquer addictions and societal role to fight addiction.
Biology. Psychology. Health. 22/02/12
This is a conversation with Prof. Steven Benner. In this conversation we talk about Steve's views on scientific method, what is life, properties of life, synthetic evolution, alien life and future of origins of life research.
Biology. 2021/12/13
This is first part of the conversation with Randy Schekman. In this conversation we talk about his early career, membranes, exosomes, scientific publishing and Elife journal.
Biology. Philosophy. 2023/09/03
This episode is with Enrico Coen. In this conversation we talk about major transitions in biology, emergence of complexity, evolution of life, drivers of evolution, evolution of brains, Intelligence and science.
This episode is with Lee Cronin. In this conversation we talk about topics related to origin of life, framework to build life from inorganic material, assembly theory, Darwinian evolution, and alien life.
This episode is with Michael Levin and Nick Lane. In this conversation, we talk about major transitions and key innovations in biology, information in biological systems, bioelectricity, emergence of eukaryotes and importance of bioelectric signals to create artificial life.
Biology. Physics. Chemistry. Engineering. 2023/04/08
This episode is with Kate Adamala. In this discussion, we will cover topics related to the first artificial life created in the lab, the creation of synthetic cells, various techniques for constructing artificial life, the origins of life, and the significant applications of synthetic cells.
Biology. Physics. Philosophy. 2023/03/05
This episode is with Chris Fields. Here we talk about what is a self?, nature of consciousness, physical reality, quantum field theory, panpsychism, boundaries of cognition, complex systems and a theory of consciousness.
This episode is with Charles Brenner. Here we talk about what is metabolism?, NAD system, factors affecting NAD system, ageing, anti-ageing research and how NAD system can be used in health?
Biology. 2022/10/15
This episode is with Lars Chittka. In this conversation we talk about structure of Bee colonies, Nature-nurture, cognition, intelligence and consciousness.
This episode is with Nick Lane. Here we talk about What is life?, Life as an information, importance of Krebs cycle, How did the life start?, consciousness, chronic diseases like cancer and process of ageing.
Biology. 2022/08/13
This episode is with David Hone. Here we talk about importance of fossils in science, process of fossilization, why did dinosaurs go extincts?, Evolution of modern birds, and the future of dinosaurs.
Biology. Psychology. 2022/05/28
This is a conversation with Dean Burnett. In this conversation we talk about Evolution of the brain, motion sickness, sleep disorders, Egotistic nature of the brains, attention, personalities, and mental illness.
This is a conversation with Dr. Robert Lustig. In this conversation we talk about role of processed food in the chronic diseases, Focus of modern medicine, what is the best diet?, science of sugar and importance of nutrition.
Biology. Psychology. 2022/04/20
This is a conversation with Robert Plomin. Here we talk about nature-nurture debate, Twin and adoption studies, role of genetics and environment in shaping human behavior, and importance of chance in the life.
Biology. 2022/04/02
This is a conversation with Manolis Kellis. Here we talk about Manolis's journey to become an MIT professor, life as information, elements of genomes, human genome project, and current progress in understanding of human genomes.
This is a conversation with Giorgio Gilestro. In this conversation we talk about what is sleep, importance of sleep, how we can measure it?, impact of sleep deprivation and sleep for healthy lifestyle.
This is a conversation with Aaron Engelhart. His research mainly focuses on understanding nucleic acid folding and function. In this conversation we talk about life on Mars, astrobiology, RNA world and tools we are using to find life on Mars.
Biology. 2022/01/29
This is a conversation with Grace Lindsay. In this conversation we talk about Grand unified theories of the brain, importance of computational neuroscience, modern artificial intelligence, connectomes and human brain project.
Biology. 2021/12/25
This is second part of the conversation with Randy Schekman. In this conversation we talk about his work on scientific publishing, his suggestions for early-career researchers and his experience on Parkinson's project.
Biology. Psychology. 2021/12/04
This conversation is with Richard Nisbett. In this conversation we discuss about his work in social psychology, reward system in the society, rationality, free will and measure of IQ in different cultures.
Biology. 2021/11/22
This is the conversation with Douglas Futuyma. Here we discuss about what is evolution, Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, how do birds evolve, what is speciation and the effect of anthropogenic climate change on evolution.
Biology. Psychology. 2023/06/30
This episode is with John Bargh. IIn this conversation we talk about unconscious mind, priming effects, evolution of consciousness, unconscious biases, and can we train our unconscious?
Biology. Psychology. 2023/06/04
This episode is with Robert Aumann. In this conversation we talk about the topics related to his scientific journey including game theory, Nash equilibrium, and future directions of game theory.
Biology. Chemistry. Engineering. 2023/04/21
In this stream, we talk about our understanding of the Martian environment, and explore the potential for life to exist on this neighboring planet. We also discuss why NASA would not be able to find life on Mars? How a new project 'ALFA Mars' will contribute in this endeavor?
Biology. 2023/03/19
This episode is with Eugene Koonin. He is a distinguished investigator at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Here we talk about origins and evolution of viruses, major transitions in evolution, diversity of viruses, and tools to study viruses.
Biology. Psychology. 2023/02/26
This episode is with Nicholas Christakis. Here we talk about nature nurture, The social suite which includes eight core properties of any good society, The forbidden experiment in sociology, and morality.
Biology . 2023/01/22
This episode is with Pavel Plevka. Here we talk about general aspects of viruses, their genomes, evolution of viruses, their infection strategies, impact of viruses on human health, environment and agriculture.
Biology. 2022/10/30
This episode is with William Ratcliff. Here we talk about origin of life, emergence of complexity, eukaryogenesis, how cells become multicellular? and major questions regarding how multicellularity evolves.
Biology. Philosophy. 2022/09/17
This episode is with Paul Zachary (PZ) Myers. Here we talk about science based atheism, evolution of religion, god of gaps argument, origin and evolution of life, human values in the society, free speech and future of humanity.
Biology. Philosophy. Physics. 2022/08/28
This episode is with Martin Rees. In this conversation we talk about the evidence for big bang, aliens, threats to humanity, space travel and how to envision the future of humanity?
Biology. Philosophy. 2022/07/04
This episode is with Michael Levin. Here we talk about Life as an information, deterministic view of life, multi-cellularity, two headed flatworms Picasso frogs, bio-electricity and collective intelligence of cells.
This is a conversation with Carole Hooven. She is the author of a book "T: The story of testosterone". Here we talk about what is testosterone?, Evolution of testosterone, how it affects the behavior and shapes the society?
Biology. 2022/03/18
This is a conversation with Arvid Agren. In this conversation we talk about what is a gene, past and present of gene's eye view of evolution, selfish genetic elements, population genetics and what gene's eye of evolution lacks!
Biology. 2022/02/20
This is a conversation with Paul Cisek. In this conversation we talk about why modern neuroscience needs evolution, contribution of psychology to neuroscience, brain as a computer, and what does modern AI is lacking?
Biology. 2022/01/22
This is a conversation with Nina Jablonski. In this conversation we talk about Origin of human races, science of skin, skin color variation in nonhuman primates imagined reality of skin pigmentation and major questions in the science of skin today.
Biology. Philosophy. 2021/12/18
This conversation is with Michael Nelson. Here we talk about need of moral philosophy, understanding ethics of biodiversity conservation, human-nature relationship, present and future of CRISPER.
Biology. Psychology. 2021/11/18
This is a conversation with Gina Rippon. In this discussion we talk about her career as scientist, her work on sex differences and her views on women in society and STEM.
Biology. Psychology. Philosophy. 2021/11/17
This conversation is with Mark Solms. Here we discuss about Mark's work on sleep, dreaming, what is consciousness, consciousness through evolution, how psychoanalysis can be helpful to understand consciousness and can we create consciousness?
Biology. Philosophy. 2021/11/07
This conversation is with Alex Bezzerides. Here we talk about evolution of humans, the flaws in human anatomy, evolution vs intelligent design, and how complex systems like an eye can evolve from simple systems and future of human evolution.
Biology. 2021/10/24
This is conversation is with Alice Hughes. Here we talk about the evolution of bats, bats and viruses, eating bats, bats and pandemic, biodiversity, importance of biodiversity, diversity in science and women in science.
Biology. Philosophy. 2021/11/07
In a conversation with Frans De Waal, a primatologist and biologist. He has written numerous books including "Chimpanzee politics", "The bonobo and the athiest", and recently published "Mama's last hug"
Biology. Psychology. Philosophy. 2021/09/19
This conversation is with Desmond Morris, a renowned zoologist, surrealist painter, writer and a TV presenter from UK. In this discussion we talk about his early life, his interest in zoology and surrealism, Human tribalism, gender roles in human society and what is the secret of a long life.
Biology. Physics. Chemistry. Engineering. 2025/01/20
This episode is with Kerstin Göpfrich. In this conversation we talk about can we create life in the lab, synthetic cells, advantages of using DNA origami in creating synthetic cells, applications, and the future of artificial cells.