Understanding evolution
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This is the conversation with Douglas Futuyma, a Professor Emeritus at Stony Brook university, New York. His research has explored two of the evolutionary processes that have generated the extraordinary diversity of organisms: Speciation and Ecological divergence. Here we discuss about what is evolution, Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, Work of Gregor Mendel, Neo-Darwinism, How do birds evolve, What is speciation and The effect of anthropogenic climate change on evolution.
About the guest
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:38 Why choose evolution?
00:05:44 Darwin's dangerous idea!
00:12:06 Alfred Russel Wallace's contribution in the theory of evolution
00:15:20 Neo-Darwinism (Modern synthesis of theory of evolution)
00:20:53 Tree of life and Eukaryogenesis
00:36:00 Standard theory of evolution
00:47:36 Are chickens closer to dinosaurs?
00:58:34 How do species co-evolve?
01:10:30 Social life of birds (Kin selection, Delayed benefits)
01:24:49 Anthropogenic climate change and Evolution!
01:52:34 Thank you!